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Friday, December 21, 2007

Two Teens Kill 7 Year Old Girl with Mortal Kombat Moves

Two teenagers have been charged with killing one of the pairs’ own 7-year-old sister using alleged Mortal Combat imitation moves. The 16 and 17 year old teens were baby sitting the child whilst the girl’s mother was at work when the incident happened.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

Listen to Music and Playlists from Gmail

Firefox only (Windows/Mac/Linux): Store and manage music with all those extra gigabytes in your Gmail account.

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Thursday, December 13, 2007

COMPLETE STEROID LIST: Clemens, Pujols, among others

Newschannel 4's Jonathan Dienst has obtained the expected list of current and former major league players linked to steroids, according to George Mitchell's investigation. The list includes former MVP's Barry Bonds, Albert Pujols, Jason Giambi, Ken Caminitti and Albert Belle. The list contains two sets of brothers: Jose and Ozzie Canseco and...

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Army pays $725 to WWII vet for unfair trial, imprisonment

Yeah that's $725 for 15 months in prison after an unfair trial. No zeros missing there. Oh and it was 63 years later that he finally got that check...

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

how to copy ps3 games

Learn how to create PS3 backups/ isos and burn them to a blank dvd

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Merriam-Webster Add w00t to Dictionary - Teachers Weep

Congratulations World of WarCraft addicts. Give yourselves a pat on the back, Halo’ers. You and all the other gamers and internet fans out there have collectively legitimized 1337 speak.

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Jessica Simpson ready to strip naked for Hollywood

Jessica Simpson is ready to strip naked in a Hollywood movie. The blonde beauty wants to be taken seriously as an actress and believes baring all is the best way to earn the respect of Tinseltown, even if it goes against her family's wishes.

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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Use a Wiimote to Make Whiteboards Out of Anything

Johnny Lee's description of "Low-Cost Multi-point Interactive Whiteboards Using the Wiimote" may sound boring, but it's actually a very cool and very innovative use of the Wiimote.With Johnny's app, you can in turn use a cheap DIY IR pen as an input device and make your own whiteboard/input tablet.

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Downgrade Wii Photo Channel To 1.0 To Keep MP3 Playback

For most people this isn't an issue but some may be annoyed that the latest Wii update removes MP3 playback through the Photo Channel and puts AAC playback in its place. If you need MP3 playback you can easily get it back by downgrading to 1.0 (if your Wii was built before December 2007) by following these instructions by the Big N themselves.

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The 33 Best Beer Pong Tables Ever Created [w/PICS]

A comprehensive look at the art of the beer pong table, showcasing 33 of the best beer pong tables ever made. The tables were ranked based on creativity, overall time spent, and the finished product. These will put your haphazard closet door on two sawhorses to shame.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

psp fw 4.00 to be released soon!!!

After talking to some psp people who work closely with team C+D and DAX i have heard that the PSP Firmware 4.00 may be coming out shortly.

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8 Blatant Loading Screen Cover-ups in Games

Back in the early days of disc-based gaming, companies weren't afraid of sticking a "Now Loading" screen in your face every two minutes. Now, companies employ stupid tricks to avoid them. Here's the worst ones

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A doctor's take on the plagues

Posted By A. Chris Gajilan, Senior Producer, Medical News: 9:19 AM ET

Monday, April 09, 2007

Yesterday was Easter Sunday. In between conversations about the Resurrection and the sugar highs induced by chocolate bunnies and multi-colored marshmallow Peeps, I managed to make my way to the movies. I went to see, "The Reaping." I guess I hadn't had enough religion in church, so I had to turn to Hollywood for a little bit more. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. The movie placed No. 5 at the box office this weekend.

It's about a minister-turned-scientist, played by Hilary Swank, who investigates divine mysteries. She's called to a small fictional town in Louisiana that appears to be revisiting the 10 biblical plagues of the book of Exodus.

I've always found the plagues fascinating. The gory story is more than 4,000 years old. God, angry at Pharaoh and the Egyptians for keeping the Hebrews as slaves, unleashed 10 plagues: rivers of blood, frogs, lice, flies, murrain or disease affecting only the cattle, boils, hail, locusts, three days of darkness and death of the firstborn.

Over the years, archaeologists and doctors alike have tried to gain insight on the mystery. Dr. John Marr, an epidemiologist at the Medical College of Virginia, and many other scientists have come up with a "domino theory of natural causes" to explain the plagues. Some estimate that about a month passed between each one of the plagues.

First plague - bloody rivers: possibly caused by red algae sucking out all the oxygen in the water, producing noxious toxins and killing the fish. In addition to the dead fish, the algae itself turns the water color red.

Second plague - frogs: The death of the fish allowed for the unhindered breeding of tadpoles. But once the algae levels rose high enough to affect the amphibians, they were driven out of the water and forced to live on land. They could not survive out of the water for long and died.

Third plague - gnats;

Fourth plague - flies: Without any frogs or toads to eat them, the population of gnats and flies flourished amongst their dead bodies.

Fifth plague - disease;

Sixth Plague - boils: "May have been outbreaks of anthrax in cattle and humans, respectively," according to a 1999 CDC article in "Emerging Infectious Diseases."

Seventh plague - hail: "Hail isn't that uncommon, even in Egypt." says Dr. Marr.

Eighth plague - locusts: Arrived in time to eat up the crops destroyed by the hail storm.

Ninth plague - three days of darkness: Sandstorms are very common in Egypt.

Tenth plague - death of the firstborn: Deadly airborne mycotoxins grow rapidly in top layers of poorly stored grain. Starving Egyptians, out of fish and beef, dig out after a sandstorm and rush to the granaries for food. The first to enter would be blasted with mycotoxins and the first to eat, usually the eldest family members, ate the top, most contaminated portions of the grain.

To be clear, the biblical story of the plagues is not about how it happened physically or whether it happened it all. It has carried messages of overcoming oppression for generations. Even with scientific evaluation, it remains a mystery.

"The order of the plagues had to be in that order. The crescendo of terror culminated in the Pharaoh letting Moses' people go. Statistically, that in and of itself, is a miracle," concludes Dr. Marr.

What do you think about the 10 biblical plagues of Exodus? Do you think a scientific basis for the plagues bears any importance? How does this analysis affect your view of the plagues? Do you think there are modern-day plagues?

Friday, December 7, 2007

Family Shunned for MySpace Hoax, Suicide

Residents of the middle-class subdivision have turned against the neighbor, Lori Drew, and her family, demanding the Drews move out. More than 100 residents gathered in front of their home on a recent evening, holding candles and reciting stories about Megan.

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Tecmo Super Bowl, Updated for 2007

Say good bye to free time! Some dudes took Tecmo Super Bowl and updated a ROM of it for 2007. Adrian Peterson, Marshawn Lynch, and ... wait, QB Patriots?!? (No, that last one is a joke.)

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High Velocity Bowling: Better Than Wii Bowling? (Review)

Coming from Team Ramrod (hi, Super Troopers reference), this game of ten-pin features waggle, online leaderboards, and, wait a tic… custom soundtracks using an in-game XMB! Sure, it all sounds a lot like Wii Sports, but will it make Grandma Bessie want a Playstation 3 for Christmas?

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Thursday, December 6, 2007

Boy Attacked By Moose "Feigns Death," Thanks WoW

WOWInsider: A Norweigian news site is reporting that a young boy and his sister were attacked by a moose. The boy reportedly "taunted' the moose away from his sister, and then feigned death, causing the moose to lose aggro and leave. "Just like you learn in level 30 in World of Warcraft," the boy reportedly said. Heh.

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Friday, November 30, 2007

Four-Wheel-Drive Demystified

All-wheel drive, four-wheel drive, part-time 4WD or permanent 4WD: Which one of these systems is just the right one for you?

So, you've decided your next vehicle should have four-wheel drive. Maybe you've decided it should be all-wheel drive.

Will it be quattro, Autotrac, Versatrak, 4Matic, 4Motion, Control Trac or Command Trac? Should you care?

The marketing names may not be important, but consumers may find it useful to understand the variety of systems available and how they are both similar and different. Here is a rundown:

This is the most basic system; it operates after a driver either moves a shift lever or presses a button inside the vehicle.

Otherwise, the part-time four-wheel-drive vehicle travels in two-wheel-drive mode; typically in these cases, the power that's moving the vehicle is sent to the two rear wheels and the two front wheels are pushed along.

When a driver shifts from two- to four-wheel drive in a vehicle with part-time four-wheel drive, he or she locks together the front and rear axles, so the front and rear wheels rotate at the same speed. This improves straight-line traction.

Since the part-time system has no center differential, there is no way for the two axles to rotate at different speeds in a corner. So, part-time systems shouldn't be engaged unless the vehicle is on very slippery road conditions such as deep snow and mud where wheels can slip as necessary for turning.

If you try driving one of these vehicles on dry pavement with four-wheel drive activated, you will likely feel an awkward, binding sense as you turn a corner. It's also possible to damage drive system components on these vehicles and cause premature tire wear if you travel in four-wheel drive on dry pavement.

Distinguishing Characteristics

  • In normal mode, the vehicle travels in 2WD, typically with rear wheels receiving power and pushing along the front wheels.
  • Driver is responsible for engaging 4WD and disengaging it.
  • Activating 4WD sends power to the front wheels and continues power to rear wheels as well.
  • In rigorous, off-road terrain, a driver can engage an extra-low gear for improved torque while in 4WD.
  • Requires a transfer case, two drive shafts, two axle differentials and two powered axles.
  • Does not include a center differential.
  • 4WD should not be used on dry, hard surfaces.

Since this system is basic, it's less complicated and less costly to build than some other systems, resulting in a lower vehicle price for car shoppers. This helps explain why it can be found on lower-priced, entry-level vehicles.

The system has shown itself, in general, to be durable under heavy stress. Since four-wheel drive is used only when needed by the driver, components don't get constant wear and tear.

Two-wheel-drive mode, which these vehicles operate in most of the time, can be quieter than four-wheel drive, especially if a vehicle doesn't have sufficient sound insulation.

Another advantage of the part-time system is a very slight increase in fuel economy, compared with what you'd see in a comparable vehicle where all four wheels receive power all the time.

Older vehicles with part-time four-wheel drive may require drivers to stop their vehicles before shifting from two-wheel drive to four-wheel drive. Some older vehicles also mandated that the driver get out and manually lock the front hubs at each of the front wheels. It was not the most convenient process for consumers, especially for those who shunned snowy or muddy conditions. Most, if not all, of today's part-time, four-wheel-drive vehicles are no longer built with manually locking front hubs.

Part-time four-wheel-drive systems make the driver responsible for deciding whether road conditions warrant engaging four-wheel drive. The driver also must decide when to deactivate four-wheel drive.

In recent years, automakers have been offering fewer vehicles with part-time systems.

Some prominent models that still have it include the Jeep TJ and Nissan Xterra sport-utility vehicles that are popular with off-roaders.

Vehicles with permanent four-wheel drive (also known as full-time four-wheel drive) have no two-wheel-drive mode. They always operate with power going to all four wheels, so drivers benefit all the time from four-wheel traction and don't have to shift or push a button to activate it. There also is no way to turn off the four-wheel drive.

In contrast with part-time four-wheel drive, vehicles with permanent four-wheel drive do have a center differential, so they can travel on dry pavement without damaging components or having wheels bind in turns and corners.

In some vehicles, the center differential also can be locked when more traction is needed, such as during rugged off-road driving.

There can be other differences, especially in electronic features. For example, Mercedes-Benz M-Class models and Land Rover's Discovery Series II and Range Rover use traction control to help control wheel slip in all conditions.

Distinguishing Characteristics

  • All four wheels are powered all the time.
  • A driver has no way of switching to 2WD.
  • In rigorous off-road terrain, a driver can engage low range for improved torque.
  • Requires a center differential, transfer case, two drive shafts, two axle differentials and two powered axles.

Since drivers in vehicles with permanent four-wheel drive don't need to activate the system, they can concentrate on driving, not judging road conditions and pushing buttons or shifting into four-wheel drive.

There is no lag time for four-wheel-drive activation in these vehicles, as there could be in vehicles with automatic four-wheel-drive systems that engage only after sensing that road conditions have changed.

Vehicles with permanent four-wheel drive can have less attractive fuel economy than you might get from a comparable vehicle with part-time four-wheel drive or automatic four-wheel drive.

In some circumstances, driving with the center differential locked may make steering more strenuous because the vehicle will tend to want to travel straight forward, rather than turn.

Vehicles with permanent four-wheel drive tend to have more heavy-duty drive train equipment and might be priced higher than other four-wheel-drive vehicles.

The number of vehicles offered with permanent 4WD has remained rather steady in recent years, and Land Rover remains one brand whose entire product line, from the compact Freelander to the opulent Range Rover HSE, has this feature.

This system is designed to automatically decide for drivers when and where to apply torque to different wheels when added traction is needed.

Marketed by a variety of names including Autotrac, Control Trac, RealTime 4WD or Versatrak, this system works via a center differential or viscous coupling or some other kind of coupling to transfer torque, or power, in fractions of a second when the system senses a need for extra traction.

Distinguishing Characteristics

  • In a number of models, the driver can set an "auto 4WD" function, usually via a button on the dashboard, and the vehicle decides when to activate and deactivate 4WD, as necessary; driver has no further input. In several other vehicles, the system is entirely automatic and has no control switch or button whatsoever.
  • When the vehicle engages 4WD, it manages and transmits the power, as necessary, to both front and rear wheels or just to the wheels with the most traction.
  • On certain automatic 4WD vehicles only, the driver can also switch to low gear for improved torque in rigorous off-road conditions, for instance.
  • Requires a center differential or some kind of viscous coupling or multi-plate clutch, a transfer case, two drive shafts, two axle differentials and two powered axles.

The appeal of these automatic four-wheel-drive vehicles is they monitor and sense their own traction needs as they travel, and automatically adjust how the power is delivered to the wheels. The driver can concentrate on driving, rather than having to decide whether to shift into four-wheel drive.

Some four-wheel-drive experts say that in severe off-road conditions the automatic system can hamper a driver's efforts. For example, because the system is quick and automatic, a driver may find the power shifting from one axle to another abrupt and unsettling while the vehicle attempts to climb over rocks or traverse a gulch. In this case, a driver should set the vehicle in 4WD high or 4WD low, rather than automatic 4WD.

The automatic system is more complex, typically with more components, than a part-time four-wheel-drive system, and it can be more costly.

Automatic four-wheel drive has been a growing offering on vehicles and is available on models such as the Ford Escape and Honda CR-V.

All-wheel drive works like a permanent four-wheel-drive system by providing continuous power to front and rear axles. There is no way to turn off the all-wheel-drive feature, and a driver doesn't have to do anything to activate it.

The mechanicals in these vehicles lack a transfer gearbox (also referred to as a 'transfer case') that would allow engine torque to be geared down to a very low range for rigorous off-roading.

Following the lead of all-wheel drive pioneer Audi, with its vaunted quattro system (a version of which is used on some of parent company Volkswagen's models and branded as 4Motion), all-wheel-drive systems tend to be packaged compactly, with less bulk and weight than in traditional truck-like applications and are thus suitable for use in a variety of smaller, lighter-weight vehicles such as cars. This also explains why all-wheel-drive vehicles don't necessarily have to be positioned higher above the road as four-wheel-drive vehicles are.

In some all-wheel-drive vehicles, much of the power during everyday, normal driving is channelled primarily to one of the axles. For example, the normal power distribution under ideal traction conditions in the Porsche 911 Carrera 4 and Turbo is 5 per cent front and 95 per cent rear. More common is an even 50/50 power and torque distribution between axles, or a close approximation.

Vehicles with all-wheel drive use a center differential, viscous coupling or clutch pack, depending on the vehicle's engineering, to maximize traction when needed. As wheels begin to slip in these vehicles, more and more power is automatically directed to the wheels where there is no slippage. The power shift can be sizable, if necessary, and again, it's done without any input from the driver.

Distinguishing Characteristics

  • Front and rear axles receive power all the time.
  • A driver has no way of switching to 2WD.
  • Vehicle does not have low gear for strenuous off-road terrain.
  • Requires a center differential, two drive shafts, two axle differentials and two powered axles.
  • Does not include a transfer case.

All-wheel-drive vehicles tend to offer respectable fuel economy compared with other types of four-wheel-drive vehicles.

All-wheel-drive systems often can be packaged compactly, with less bulk and weight, and thus are suitable for use in a variety of smaller, lighter-weight vehicles.

The systems also can be less pricey than those in vehicles with heavy-duty four-wheel-drive equipment.

Typically, there is little need to position the vehicle higher above the road to accommodate the all-wheel-drive mechanicals.

In all-wheel-drive vehicles, drivers don't have to activate the system. They have continuous traction from all four wheels.

All-wheel-drive vehicles do not come with a transfer gearbox (also referred to as a 'transfer case') that provides a low range to gear down the engine torque for the extra control that off-road enthusiasts often demand.

All-wheel-drive vehicles can cost more than comparable vehicles with two-wheel drive.

All-wheel drive is showing up in more models each year and can be found in a wide variety of vehicles, from Toyota's fully-redesigned 2004 Sienna minivan to the most recent Mercedes-Benz C-Class, E-Class and S-Class models. BMW has also been offering all-wheel drive "xi" versions of its class-defining 3-Series sedans and Touring sport wagons for the past few years. Jaguar will soon also be launching a wagon (estate) version of the X-Type, its first-ever 4WD model.

Subaru made a strategic decision, years ago, to market all-wheel-drive vehicles exclusively. This approach has brought the Japanese brand great success and continues to this day.

These days, several luxury brands other than all-wheel drive pioneer Audi are effectively seeing this type of drive train as the next "must have" feature.

In a country and a climate such as ours, this is great news indeed.

Monday, November 26, 2007

4 Types of Men Woman can't say 'NO' to

The Quiet Guy, The Witty One, Bad Boy, The Mountain Man.

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Boy Dies at Hockey Game Picking Up His Raffle Prize

A 14-year-old boy from Scituate, Mass. died at a minor league hockey game between the Portland Pirates & the Providence Bruins. He came down from the stands to get his prize & he either tripped or fell or collapsed," Lepore said yesterday. The boy was taken by New England Ambulance to Hasbro Children's Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead

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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Poland Uses Nude Model To Sell XBOX 360

Yes you probably guessed right, CKM is Poland’s answer to Maxim and this holiday season they were using pictures of this nude model to sell Halo 3, Guitar Hero, and the XBOX 360.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Coupon - $10 off any Video Game of $29.99 or more at Best Buy

Gotta love saving money!!!

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PS3 First Year Sales Match Xbox 360's

Looks like the PS3 is on par with the Xbox 360

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Ninja Parade Slips Through Town Unnoticed Once Again

Modesto, CA residents turned out for the city's annual Ninja Parade, where no ninjas were seen for the 30th year in a row. This is probably one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever heard of. But I must admit... Ninjas are pretty damn cool!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Six-year-old burnt in console fire

Boy facing weeks in hospital thanks to second degree burns from GameCube

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Soldier Uses Wii To Catch Cheating Wife

Tony, a solider returning from Iraq after a year of active duty, found out that his wife couldn't wait for some lovin' while he was gone by checking his Wii. When he confronted her with his friends' accusations, she claimed that she only kissed another man once. However, after checking his Mii channel for war buddies he discovered a Mii he didn't c

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Sunday, November 18, 2007

IGN: Nintendo Wii Zapper Review: Not So Great

Were the Zapper sold individually, we might suggest avoiding it in favor of a more adaptable third-party model. Such is not the case however, as the Zapper is bundled with Link's Crossbow Training, which is tons of fun.

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A New (old?) Walmart Low: A Truly Terrible Wiimote Knockoff

Walmart has taken to selling these, produced by a company called ToyQuest in Los Angeles, in a shameless attempt to get shoppers to drop $10 to $15 on a nearly unplayable toy just because it looks like the Nintendo Wiimote. Don't be fooled by this; it is a terrible, terrible toy, and nearly unplayable. Nintendo should be pissed; Walmart ashamed.

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Top 25 Celebrity Miis You Got To See

long list of celebrity/video game miis ranging from Alf to bomberman.Must see for Nintendo fans!

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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Wii repair kills Check Mii Out uploads - with video

If you had to send your Wii in for a repair, you won't be able to share your old Miis using Nintendo's new Check Mii Out channel.

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10 PS3 tricks Sony doesn't tell you

Got a PlayStation 3? For those of you that have picked up Sony's shiny black plaything, we've put together a Digital Home top ten of tips that you won't find in the user manual.

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Wii to drop MP3 support, add AAC in Photo Channel update

While we're sure that some Wii updates have been more highly regarded than others, it seems that MP3 diehards will want to pass on a forthcoming Photo Channel update if you just can't bear to lose support for your favorite music format.

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Pics Released: Dust Voids PS3 Warranty

That is a ton of dust. But is it "filthy" and constitute "neglect?" SONY is says yes, and is sticking to its guns. Guess they're all out of compressed air at the warranty repair center.

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Ever Wonder Why Your Internet Went Down? // Pic

If this is real I would have to be paid alot of money to be working for I.T. there.

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LOL Hot Teen Busted By Dad Dancing On Webcam

watch as she starts giving the boys a show....and her dad walks in...

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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Used condoms winding up in people's hair

Used condoms are being recycled into hair bands in southern China and selling well in local markets and beauty salons. Despite being recycled, the hair bands could still contain bacteria and viruses according to the China Daily newspaper.

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Firefox Security Threat - Google is vulnerable

A Malicious exploit has been discovered in Firefox that would allow a Hacker to use a Malicious JAR file to get access to your Google Account and all your confidential information.

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COUPON: 20% Off Used PS3 Games @ Gamstop until 11/15

Coupon is good for 20% off up to two used PS3 games. Expires 11/15/07.

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PS3 for $319 at K Mart

Just print out the coupon.

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Mass. Wants Two-Year Prison Terms for Online Poker Players

In a bill to allow three brick-and-mortar casinos in the Bay State, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick has proposed two-year jail terms and a $25,000 fine for folks caught gambling online.

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Paper, Rock, Scissors. Who is the true winner? // Pic

Wow, for all these years I was playing the game wrong.

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Sunday, November 11, 2007

Notice anything about the top 10 wii games? (pic)

They all look to have something suspiciously familiar.

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Notice anything about the top 10 wii games? (pic)

They all look to have something suspiciously familiar.

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Wii Channel Forcasts

All the upcoming Wii Channels.

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Wii Check Mii Out Channel is LIVE!

The Check Mii Out Channel (or as it's called at my place, the Mii Contest Channel) is now up on the Wii. Things of note: only one Mii can represent your console, and the first contest is for "Mario Without A Cap". Get busy.

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Awesome Video - 10yr old kid plays DanceDanceRevolution 2 player by himself

This kid is playing both players of Dance Dance Revolution Max by himself. He uses the dancepad to play player 1 and he uses a Guitar Hero guitar as his second controller to play the second player. Impressive!

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Friday, November 2, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007

Easy way to connect with other Nintendo DS and Wii players for online games

This site lets you create a gamer profile and register the games you play. When someone else chooses to become your friend, you both receive each others friend codes in an email, which makes it easier to make friends for online Nintendo games. Also lets you view players by location, so you can judge who might be able to play at the same time asyou

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Step-By-Step Create Famous/Celebrity Mii's on your Wii

Step by Step guide on creating famous and celebrity Mii look-a-likes!

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12 Products From Hell

12 products I wish I'd never, ever seen.

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Friday, October 26, 2007


22 bizarre license plates - must see!

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

SEXY flash games (.)(.)

This cracks me up. Who has this kind of time?!? lol

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Going back to '83

A cool retrospective of Nintendo's first console and what the future holds

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How You Know You Found The Perfect Someone (PIC)

If she lets you have a wedding cake like this, she's got to be the one.

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Video Gamers Wet Dream T-Shirt

A sexy silhouette bound in DualShock controller cord goodness. Too good to be true? Maybe that's why it's a silk-screen and not a photo... Still, good fodder.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Wii Be Healin'

One of the latest crazes to hit the Wii world is rehab using the Wii console, known as Wii-hab.

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Rumored PS3 Firmware 2.00

This is a description of the new firmware version 2.00 for the PS3.

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This is the end, my only friend: Nintendo Drops NES Support

After 22 years, the NES is finally being retired by Nintendo. As of October 31st, Nintendo plans to drop support for the ol' girl, reaking havoc with the plans of twenty-something nostalgists the world over. In further gloomy news, Nintendo has revealed they will be ending support for the SNES, Nintendo 64, Gameboy and Gameboy Pocket lines...

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What Were His Parents Thinking..? [pic]

Poor guy! :)

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Employees Expose FOX NEWS

Employees Expose FOX NEWS. Like we are surprised...

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

HOWTO: Easily Copy Wii Games

This is a quick and dirty tutorial on the duplication of Wii gamediscs. I got my information from a number of sources via Google - the summary that follows is what I did and confirmed works, and is compatible with the WiiKey.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Boy Who Is Allergic To (Almost) Every Food; Can Only Eat 6 Things

Twelve-year-old Tylor Savage doesn’t have to ask what’s for dinner. It’s chicken or tuna with carrots and potatoes and maybe some grapes or an apple — the only foods to which he is not allergic. “I’m a little bored with the same food,” Tylor told TODAY co-host Matt Lauer during a visit to New York on Thursday with his father and sister.

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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Blow Me (Pic)

I'm not giving away the punchline. Close up:

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Thursday, October 4, 2007

70% of Computer Repair Companies Don't Know What They're Doing

CBC Marketplace did a kickass hidden camera investigation into computer repair companies and found only 30% were able to correctly diagnose their problem.

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Danny Bonaduce ends "Survivor" star Jonny Fairplay's career

Hideous. Embarrassing. Lawsuit/suicide to follow.

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MLB '07 - Awards, milestones, amazing feats and more

Whew. What a year. It was a great year to join a club -- as long as it was the 500 Homer Club, the 500 Save Club or the Wildfire Schulte Memorial 20-20-20-20 Club. It was a tremendous year to contemplate all the thrilling cash-register implications of being a 50-homer Bronx Bombardier with an opt-out clause. And it was an especially tremendous year to go off and get your PhD in Baseball Tiebreaker Scenarios. But with the finish line upon us, let's hand out the awards you've waited all year for. The envelopes please ...

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Free Full Version PC Game: Baseball Mogul 2007

Last year’s version of Baseball Mogul is now available as a 100% free download.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I am trying something new. This was sent from my cell phone. This will allow me to blog on the go!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Secret Apartment in Mall Parking Garage Discovered

The apartment eventually had a sectional sofa and love seat, coffee and breakfast tables, a rug, paintings and a video game system. The artists built a cinderblock wall to disguise their hideaway.

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Britney Spears loses custody of children

A court has ordered pop singer Britney Spears to give up custody of her children effective Wednesday at noon.

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Bank of America is trying to rip off an 80-yr old widow

Family Says Bank Of America Refuses to Cash Bond Worth $30,000

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Nintendo giving away Anti-Slip Remote Jacket

Nintendo have announced they'll be giving away an anti-slip jacket for your Wii Remotes. Which are obviously far too slippery.

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News Flash: Current-gen video games are most often NOT in HD

With all the attention being given to Halo 3 for not offering a "high definition" resolution, we decided to look into why developers are not using full HD resolutions on these purported full HD consoles. How many AAA games these days actually use a 1080p resolution? Or even 720p? The answer may surprise you.

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The 10 Rarest Animals in the World

Last year, studies shown that there are at least 35 different animals with world populations of under 1000. But which are the rarest, the animals on the brink of extinction?

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Monday, October 1, 2007

Test Your Old-School Nintendo Knowledge

Well before the Wii, Nintendo burrowed its way into our pop culture with classic games like The Legend of Zelda, Mike Tyson's Punch-Out! and Metroid. How well do you remember the little details? Match the element to the game in which it played an admittedly minor role.

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Woman Runs Over Own Legs at McDonald's Drive-thru

Her lawyer reported to have said she will be filing a lawsuit for some ungodly amount of money claiming burns to her vagina.

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Happy 30th birthday, Atari 2600!

Each of them owe a debt of gratitude to the granddaddy of all videogame consoles, the Atari 2600, which ushered in an era of unprecedented television usage, and which turns 30 years old this month. That's right, the first 2600 units rolled off the assembly line in October of 1977,

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Open Office 2.3 released today

A new version OpenOffice 2.3 is officially released today (December 17th, 2007) for Linux fans. Hundreds of bugs are fixed. Performance is improved considerably. Try it while it's hot.

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Released: DD-WRT v23 Final for Linksys WRT54G (and others)

An amazing 3rd party firmware for the Linksys WRT54G/GS/GL, Asus WL-500G deluxe, Siemens SE505, and Motorola WR850G WiFi Routers has been released in it's final form: Version v23. Building upon the original Linksys GPL'd Linux codebase, dd-wrt adds countless features and enhancements. Thanks, BrainSlayer!

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Friday, September 14, 2007

Transform Your Classic Xbox into a Killer Media Center

Don't ditch your classic Xbox just because you can't play Halo 3 on it: now it's easier than ever to transform that old neglected console into a Unix-based media command center. A simple software exploit lets you replace Microsoft's crippled dashboard and run the incredible, open source Xbox Media Center (XBMC) software

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Modern day remake of The Oregon Trail [Flash Game]

A semi-faithful adaptation of the original 1971 Oregon Trail, Thule Trail has you heading west, not to conquer the wild frontier, but rather the road. The game swaps covered wagons for turbo wagons and lets you hunt fast food instead of wild game. Really takes you back!

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Thursday, September 13, 2007

[Amazing] Military Photos of the Twin Towers

These pics truly are AMAZING. Download the full .ppt file so you can watch the slideshow, and you will see some of the most incredible pictures ever from 9/11.

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Amazing 911 Video Processed Using 3D Effects - It Feels Like You Are There.

I'm struggling to work out how they even made this video.

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Man Arrested after Saying No to Prostitute

It was Rocio Palacios who first noticed the woman who appeared to need help.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Best Playstation 2 (PS2) Games Under $10 Each

When a console has so many popular classics in their library, it's amazing how many top-notch games you can find between $5-10 (including shipping) online. Racketboy gives a extensive list of the best values on the PS2 -- there's something for everyone!

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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Woman has 23 needles in body

Luo Cuifen, 29 of Beijing, China, consulted doctors after noticing blood in her urine. Turns out she has 23 inch-long needles in her gut. Surgeons will now carefully remove the needles that allegedly were inserted by her grandparents who were hoping to kill her.

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Dump Dangerous Diacetyl by Making Your Own Microwave Popcorn

Doesn't microwave popcorn smell great? It should: it's chemically engineered to do so. Think that delicious smell is fresh butter? Think again. Many conventional microwave popcorns use diacetyl, an additive, to simulate real butter. And that's a problem.

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Officer in Trouble Over Motorist's Video

Last Friday Brett Darrow refused to discuss personal business with a Missouri police officer and was threatened with made up charges. Today we find out what repercussions the police officer has suffered because of his actions.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

PS3 Firmware Pet Peeves Volume 1

The firmware on the PS3 is significantly better than when the system launched, don't get me wrong, but there are a smattering of improvements to existing features that I'd like to see.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sports Illustrated - Ranking the best players in the NFL from No. 1 to 500

I thought I might make a list, the best of the best.The criteria: importance of the position (I had quarterback, left tackle, pass rusher and cornerback at the top, but with room for the explosive player), talent level and age.....

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Bodog Gets Powned - Loses Domain Names

Classic story of Guy sues and wins a 50 million. Then uses the money to snag their domains out from under them basically shutting their operation down.

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Actors Who Spend Their Entire Careers Playing the Same Character

Take Sean Connery, for instance. Even when he's playing a Ukrainian submarine captain, he's still playing the same Scottish guy that he played when he was supposed to be Jim Malone in the Untouchables. Other "guilty" parties include Bruce Willis, Harrison Ford, Bruce Campbell and more.

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Monday, August 27, 2007

The 25 Biggest Celeb Scandals of the Last 25 Years

The 25 Biggest Celeb Scandals Since 1982. From Madonna to Pee-wee, Lindsay Lohan to Britney Spears (and no, none of them made it to No. 1), we count down the most shocking celebrity moments of the past 20+ years.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

Arm-wrestling game recalled in Japan because it broke 3 arms

Lose a game of chess to a computer, and you could bruise your ego. Lose an arm-wrestling match to a Japanese arcade machine, and you could break your arm

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First Person Shooter Syndrome (FPSS) Leaves Man Psychologically Damaged

A new psychological illness is affecting those who play modern First Person Shooters, including an aversion to rusty, abandoned structures, sewers, explosive barrels and anything resembling areas with no cover from machinegun fire. Jack Thompson says FPSS is responsible for all deaths.

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This Guy Swallowed Liquid Nitrogen...

...And lived to tell the tale!

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Sony wants The Agency to be free to play

At this week's Leipzig Games Convention, the president of SOE indicated that Sony was looking at making their upcoming MMO a free play title, meaning there would be no subscription fee. Instead, SOE would fund the title via micro-transactions and a 'velvet-rope policy' where certain area are only available if people pay for access.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

2 Moons Open Beta

Quin's back after a summer break diving head-first into new MMOs so you don't have to. This time it's Acclaim's 2 Moons.

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Mario History Quiz: How Well Do You Know The Bros.?

It starts of super easy, but some of the questions are pretty tricky. Fun trip down memory lane.

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2nd Digg Presidential Election.

We did it before, but many thought the results were skewed. Can we do it again without the spam. I think not, but let us try. Who is your first choice of the Candidates for 2008 President? Please vote only once, or else!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Easy Mode in MMORPGs [Comic]

You know who you are. (Blogger hosted)

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Your Password Must Be at Least 17,145 Characters

A genuine Microsoft Knowledge Base article about a particularly strange error message some people have received on Windows 2000. Never fear though, SP1 fixes these problems! Well, sort of... "Note that the number of required characters changes from 17,145 to 18,770 with the installation of SP1"

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Dwarf's penis stuck to vacuum cleaner

A DWARF performer at the Edinburgh fringe festival had to be rushed to hospital after his penis got stuck to a vacuum cleaner during an act that went horribly awry.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Why You Shouldn't Park Here (PIC)

Best Private Parking Sign Ever. Anyone know where this is located?

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Pet camel kills Australian woman

A word to the wise - don't give your grandma a pet camel!

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Saturday, August 18, 2007

World Of Warcraft Loser owned!

Now you gotta look at the AIM screen shots, it's the only way to show how funny it is.Be sure to click through those in order. I swear to God, it's so funny and surprising.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

PlayStation 3 Cheaper Than PSOne In Beer

In terms of the number of pints of beer you have to forego to get a PS3 it's really just the same as the number of pints of beer you had to forego to get a PS1 back in 1995

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Sony offering refunds to PlayStation Network users following Recall

Sony has said it will refund consumers who bought PSone titles Spyro 2: Gateway to Glimmer and MediEvil from the PlayStation Store. Where is the quality control on the Playstation Network?

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She's Only Wearing a Nintendo

This is true art (possibly NSFW)

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Really Cool Aquariums (Pics)

A well-designed and maintained aquarium is a treat for the eye, a conversation piece, and a satisfying hobby. Some are much more than that.

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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Download and play old classic NES games! - Classic Retro Games

Legend of ZeldaSuper Mario Bros 1Super Mario Bros 2Super Mario Bros 3

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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

$2 million yacht plunges to its doom (PHOTOS)

In March, a 55-Foot, 62,000-Pound Carver Marquis Plummeted From its Sling With Two Men Aboard. Here's What Happened.

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The Internet Has Always Had Loud Dumb People..

..but I've never seen anything quite as bad as the people who comment on Youtube videos.

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PlayStation 3 Stress Tested, Found Virtually Unbreakable

With all the coverage of how the Xbox 360s are failing left and right in the past few months, there hasn't been much coverage of how sturdy the PS3 is. PS3 Vault took a PS3 into harsh environments, continuously using it for 108 hours with various games and Blu-ray movies. Their findings? The PS3 is pretty much indestructible.

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Bullies drown six year old boy

Three boys -- ages seven, eight and nine -- stripped the child naked and pushed him into the lake. He couldn't swim and drowned after he was unable to keep his head above water.

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Biker fails to notice missing leg

A japanese biker failed to notice his leg had been severed below the knee when he hit a safety barrier, and rode on...

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Monday, August 13, 2007

PlayStation 3 Exploit - Run BluRay Backups via Swap

The new TIFF might be our ticket to a ISO Loader. By copying the TIFF image (download below) to a USB/SD card and opening it in the PS3, causes a unusual response in which the PS3 controls and XMB are still fully functional, and ables you to launch a game.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

Decapitated Snake Bites Man Before Biting Dust

A rattler with its head cut off bites the man who decapitated it.

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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Through The Years: The Evolution of Barry Bonds (1986 - Today)

Time looks at the all-star ballplayer's development since his rookie year in 1986.

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Google will pay you $10 per store for walking in and taking pictures...

... determining store hours, payment methods, etc.

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Circuit City Rep Offers Refund Of $389, Now Is "No Longer In The Dept"

And Won't Help!!! Josh realized he forgot to click a "web only special" link when ordering something from, so his order was not processed correctly. He called customer service as a precaution and sure enough, because he didn't click the link they said he wouldn't be getting the the deal and there was nothing they could do about it.

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A British woman has given birth to rare identical triplets in Austria, doctors said on Wednesday.

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Tuesday, August 7, 2007

EA: building "Dynamic Games" - creating games that update and evolve,

Imagine: select reality mode, your console pings ESPN, it downloads the latest professional scoreboard and the abilities of the players in the game are adjusted relative to real-world performance. That's "Dynamic Gaming". Thanks to a small deal last week Electronic Arts is making dynamic games real little step at a time.

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Friday, August 3, 2007

I just got my iPhone back from Apple and... LOL

MacGyver and Apple both know a good tool when they see one. Check out the "Official iPhone Tool" they included with my warranty service packet.

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Eraser Love (Pic)

I guess this is what it would be like if erasers were able to have some fun. ;-)

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5 Summer Sex Positions That Could Get You Hospitalized. Or Arrested.

"Some of these would challenge the acrobats of Cirque Du Soleil, let alone a 30-something couch jockey with a bum knee."

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It's a wall AND a couch (pic)

Go ahead, have a seat... in my wall

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Gimme a bat and call me Number 2! What is this?

After you figure out the combination lock to the homepage, there are some very strange and funny videos inside. I think this is a viral site for an unannounced MS gaming product. What is this product?

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Thwarted Hairdresser Wreaks Naked Vengeance on his Neighbors!

After his neighbors fought successfully to block his business and construction permits, this hairdresser wreaks epic vengeance - and epic lulz - on his neighbors, through the creative use of lesbian mannequins. Check out the full story!

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Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Porn Myth

In the end, porn doesn’t wet men’s appetites—it turns them off the real thing.

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★ The Most Dangerous Drugs [bar graph] ★

You might be surprised to know that alcohol is far more dangerous than both Big Puff and Puff the Magic Dragon. Check out this graphic guide to the most dangerous substances humanity ingests (and imbibes, snorts, shoots and sniffs).

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Noidzor - Breakout With An RPG Twist

Breakout with features and game-play never done before. The game features skill advancement, health and mana, strategy, power attacks (that you can upgrade), and much more. You also play as a monster, and instead of trying to keep the ball (orb) from falling off, your main objective is to break the seals and avoid the attacks.

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PS3 To Get DVR Functions, Digital Tuner In 2008

Maybe they'll throw a washing machine in too.

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PIC // How to Start an Office Riot..

..and a new life altogether!

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Man sells over $4,000 in Wii, PS3 consoles on eBay that he never had

Jeremy Sparks of Warren County, Ohio had put up photos of Wii's and PS3's on eBay that he never had, briding buyers to buy them and get absolutely nothing in return. Sparks' snagged six unlucky buyers, getting a hefty $4,214.18. Luckily, he was caught and charged with fifth degree felonies. So there's a little warning to all you eBay buyers who don

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Athletes on the Simpsons

Twenty-three athletes who have been on the Simpsons over the years.

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Monday, July 30, 2007


simple and fascinating. i like this one a lot! There are lots more where this came from!

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Install Ubuntu from Windows in 3 Steps without Using a CD

VERY FAST. it will download the appropriate version and all you have to do is select the size of the partition..It wont effect windows at all.. because its on a virtual drive.. and its completely uninstalable..

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Police: Bodies of 3 babies found at scene of newborn's killing

OCEAN CITY, Maryland (AP) -- Investigators found three tiny bodies wrapped in plastic and hidden at the home of a woman who was charged last week with killing her newborn child, police said Monday.

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Obesity in the U.S.

See the expansion of Americans' waistlines over 20 years. (Not that there hasnt been enough Digg posts of how American's are fat.)

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25 Most Infamous Drug Related Scandals in Sports History (a graphical look)

From Ben Johnson (roids) to Barry Bonds (roids) to Floyd Landis (doping) to Bill Romanowski (stimulants) - sports have been plagued with drug related scandals. SI does a nice picture gallery of their top 25.

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Top 25 Infamous NON-Drug-Related Scandals

Here's the top 25 NON-DRUG related sports scandals. Everything from the Chicago Black Sox back in 1919 to Tonya Harding to the Soviet/US gold medal b-ball game in '72 - they're all here....

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Welcome to is an archival site, containing news articles, online obituaries, and other publicly available information. We have given you the opportunity to pay your respects and tributes to the recently deceased members via our comment system. Please be respectful.

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Paris Hilton loses inheritance

PARTY princess Paris Hilton is $60 million out of pocket after her billionaire grandfather - appalled by her jail term for drink-driving offences - axed her inheritance.

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Simpson's Limited Xbox 360 goes on ebay!

The seller is a hot girl that won a Simpson's Limited Xbox 360 on MTV and is selling it for 4+ grand on Ebay! That is one crazy contest. I am just wondering who would really pay up that much money for some box with a yellow man on it :P

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Friday, July 27, 2007

World of Warcraft subscribers = 90th most populated country in the world

Will the gaming love affair with World of Warcraft ever end? Blizzard have announced that WoW has 9 million subscribers - and that's before the Burning Crusade expansion pack is launched in China...

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Game ads in real time in new EA sport games

Real as in streaming advertisements piped dynamically to games like EA's forthcoming Madden 2008, NASCAR 2008, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008, NHL Hockey 2008, and Skate. The new EA/Microsoft deal will allow advertisers to feed changeable ads live to virtual billboards or other promotional in-game constructs.

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The 25 Worst Movie Remakes of All Time

A couple of high-lights (or lowlights): 'Poseidon', 'Planet of the Apes' and of course 'Pyscho'...

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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Heavenly Sword demo now available

This week's PlayStation Store update is huge: Heavenly Sword demo, RE 5 & Haze trailers, and a new downloadable game.

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600+ Hi-Res Wallpapers for your PS3's XMB Background

Firmware 1.9 gave the long requested ability to set the XMB background with your own wallpaper, but what to use? Over on the Playstation Forums you'll find more than 25 Wallpaper packs, filled with an incredible variety of Hi-Res images. Packs include everything ranging from Art and Screens from your favorite games, to skinny women in bikinis!

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Playstation 3 Cheatcodes - PS3 Cheat Codes

The largest cheatcode database for Sony Playstation 3 Games -

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Civilization Revolution Comes to 360, PS3, Wii and DS

Game maestro Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution comes to Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and DS in attempt to fill the real-time strategy void on consoles.

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Nude woman buys smokes in German gas station, leaves in Ferrari

Thank you, come again!

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Top 10 GMail Tweaks

Here are the 10 most impressive GMail plugins and tweaks. There's plenty more to choose from but these in particular will make your life easier and enhance your GMail experience.

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Windows XP on Your Thumb Drive

" entire, lightweight installation of XP -- on a self-contained, zero-footprint, USB drive..."

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LittleBigPlanet - The video game demo from Hell!

An E3 demo gone horribly wrong. This is a cautionary tale about how a PR rep's terrible mishandling of a game demo can reflect negatively on a title's potential.

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Monday, July 23, 2007

Minor League Baseball Coach Killed by Line Drive

The batting coach for the Tulsa Drillers was pronounced dead at a hospital Sunday evening after being struck in the head by a line drive as he stood in the first-base coach's box during a Texas League game with the Arkansas Travelers

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Confirmed - New Firmware Update Hits Next Week

Still wondering when the next “BIG” firmware update will drop ? Well then wonder no more, Patrick Seybold, The Senior PR Manager for Sony has confirmed in a post that, there is in fact something special planned for the PS3 firmware update next week.

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PlayStation 3 being played on a 592" screen

When 50" HDTV is not enough.Swedish tech magazine "Din Teknik" got to hook their PS3 up to a cinema projector and get their game on with a 592" cinema screen, amazing.

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Friday, July 20, 2007

Woman raped before honor killing to add more honor.

LONDON (Reuters) - A 20 year-old Kurdish woman was brutally raped, stamped on and strangled by members of her family and their friends in an "honor killing" carried out at her London home because she had fallen in love with the wrong man.

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Who Would Rob a Kid's Lemonade Stand?

The woman gave the children a counterfeit $50 bill for some lemonade. The girls handed over $38 in change, thinking they had a nice tip.

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FBI probes allegations NBA ref bet on games he worked

The FBI is reportedly investigating an NBA referee who was allegedly betting on basketball games, including games he worked in the past two seasons. The New York Post first reported Friday that the year-long investigation is focusing on allegations that the referee bet on games and was making calls that affected the point spread on games.

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HILARIOUS: Natural Selection Caught on Tape: Never smash a WD-40 Can

You've gotta love natural selection caught on video. Intelligent people know that it isn't a good idea to smash a can of WD-40, even if they're curious about what would happen if they did. Luckily, some mouthbreathers decided that they'd give it a whirl, showing us exactly why we're so smart to not have done such a thing.

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Firefox 3: Preview of the User Interface

Firefox 3 will include some significant changes. check out the UI preview here!

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The Top 10 Hardest PC Games of All Time

Quicksaves, walk-throughs and cheat codes are for the weak. Check out our guide to 10 of the hardest PC games ever made.

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for PS1 released on the PSN Store

No Heavenly Sword demo today, instead the American PSN Store has been updated with the PS1 classic Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Check out what other goodies have been released alongside it.

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Dual-Booting Windows XP/Vista And Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn)

In this tutorial I will teach you how to dual-boot between Windows XP/Vista and Ubuntu. This tutorial will be split up into two parts: Part one for people who have no operating system installed. Part two for people who have Windows XP/Vista installed and do not want to re-install Windows.

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Secret Buildings You May Not Photograph, Part 643

If you happen by 3701 N. Fairfax Drive in Arlington and decide you have a sudden craving for a photograph of a generic suburban office building, and you point your camera at said structure, you will rather quickly be greeted by uniformed security folks who will demand that you delete the image and require that you give up various personal info.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007


With a 3-2 count in the top of the seventh inning with two one and two outs, Barry Bonds hit homer no. 753 against the Cubs. He now is 3-for-3 with two home runs today.

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Turn Yourself Into a Simpsons Character

Absolutely brilliant! Good fun to Simpsonize (potentially former) friends, family, and colleagues - And create your very own unreal-life Simpsons episode... A tip - it kept falling over when I tried to download the picture, and just failed for eternity. So, take a screen capture (press the "Prn Scrn" key), and then ctrl+V into photoshop.

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101 Greatest Simpsons Quotes

Homer: Oh, so they have Internet on computers now!

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Rock Band: Hands-on Review

This review of the upcoming Xbox 360 and PS3 game, Rock Band, gives a pretty good idea of what action we can expect from "Guitar Hero Plus"

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N.C. authorities initiated deadly raid because of a joke MySpace photo

You read that right: A student was suspected of stealing a PS3. The cops saw joke pictures of him with guns, and as a result conducted a commando-style raid that left the student dead.

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NCAA 2008 Football Rosters for the PS3 $25 Shipped

NCAA Rosters with names makes playing NCAA Football series so much better. After searching on-line for a place to buy the rosters we noticed a sweet promo for $25 shipped with new flash memory. This is almost $20 cheaper than the nearest competitor.Super hot deal alert, offer valid until launch day which is 07/17/2007.

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Mystery auctions are gaining popularity

and getting bid on like crazy!

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Global Warming Effects: Map [Pic]

Based on Climate Change 2007: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, Summary for Policymakers, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

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Russia Claims the North Pole

President Vladimir Putin has long promised to restore Russian greatness and build an "energy empire." But until now, his empire-building had been confined to taking control of corporations operating on his turf, buying into businesses abroad, and blackmailing former Soviet Republics who dared vote against Moscow-backed candidates.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

E3 2007: Civilization: Revolutions for XBOX360, PS3 and Wii

Civilization: Revolutions will be coming out this Spring for Xbox 360 and PS3 and the following Fall for Wii. Once the title is out, we'll have more information on achievements and downloadable content but we do know that the team definitely has plans to offer new gamer pictures, maps and new leaders after the game is released.

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

50 States Game

Place each state on the US map. Harder than I thought... Damn east coast!!

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Monday, July 9, 2007

great image of a coffee with a drop of milk (highspeed)

very nice catch almost art...

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Soda Ingredients Linked to Cirrhosis and Cancer

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has reported that it found a high level of cancer-causing benzene in five of the 100 soft drinks and beverages that it tested. The levels of benzene were more than the recommended 5 parts per billion limit for drinking water.

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Why is Yawning Contagious?

Rather than being a precursor to sleep, yawning is designed to keep us awake, say US researchers. But why does seeing someone else yawn make you to do the same?

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Australian teenagers selling sex for cigarettes

TEENAGE indigenous girls are prostituting themselves to white men for beer and cigarettes in the middle of Darwin. "Cars drive up and down and prey on these women continuously," he said. "We have non-indigenous men that prey on indigenous women." He said Aboriginal women, often drunk teenagers, performed sexual favours for prices as low as a few..

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Aliens exist, but we're not looking right - Scientific Report

Recent discoveries of extremophiles - organisms living in conditions of heat, cold and dark and using chemicals once thought incompatible with life - have changed ideas of where life can survive. Prof Baross said lab experiments also showed water did not necessarily have to be the basis for life. Yet Mars Robots look for evidence of water.

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Friday, July 6, 2007

More Moles (from Best Buy and Target) Confirm PS3 Price Cut

Sony President Ryoji Chubachi may be denying any Playstation 3 price cut, but that's not stopping the retail moles from saying that they're true.

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Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Could you pass the U.S. Citizenship test?

MSNBC has a quiz with actual questions from the citizenship test. Not as easy as you might think. I got a 95%. The only one I missed was when the Constituion was written. I was thinking of the Declaration of Independence. Oh well... I am sure I did MUCH better then most of America will do. Take the quiz, see how you compare.

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Monday, July 2, 2007

Virginity For Sale - Offers start at £10,000

Baby-faced Carys Copestake, 18, has offered her virginity for the price of £10,000 to help her pay for university tuitions.

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What every gamer in school needs.


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Man plays with lions [18 amazing pictures]

Kevin Richardson - says he relies on instinct and patience to win the animals' trust

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Dead Airman's Affidavit: Roswell Aliens Were Real

Sixty years ago, a light aircraft was flying over the Cascade Mountains in Washington state, at a height of around 10,000 feet.Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the aircraft.Visibility was good, and as pilot Kenneth Arnold scanned the sky to find the source of the light, he saw a group of nine shiny metallic objects

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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

PS3 Firmware 1.82 Coming Soon…

"Scheduled for release in the next few days, firmware 1.82 is an update that enables the playback of AVC High Profile (H.264/MPEG-4) files. We’re continuing to evaluate and improve things across the board, including PS2 software compatibility. I’ll chime in here quickly with an update once the firmware is live and ready."

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Lego Aircraft Carrier [PICTURE]

Put simply, this LEGO aircraft carrier is one of the most detailed models we’ve ever come across.

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First Contact! Patient bleeds dark green blood (like Spock)

A team of Canadian surgeons got a shock when the patient they were operating on began shedding dark greenish-black blood, the Lancet reports.

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Sony Unlocking PSP CPU

A Sony Computer Entertainment representative has confirmed to Shacknews that developers can now take full advantage of the PSP's CPU following the late May release of the system's version 3.50 firmware.

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The Woolly Mammoth can now be cloned but should we?

Leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Two Women Arrested, Accused Of Bathroom Sex In Front Of Children At Pool

Two women in Seminole County, Fla., are accused of performing sex acts in front of children at a community pool bathroom while a third woman photographed them, according to a police report. Seminole County sheriff's deputies arrested Emily Hernandez and Johannie Jimenez over the weekend at the Casselberry public bathroom.

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Girl's Feet Cut Off At Six Flags

Police confirmed that a girl's feet have been cut off at Six Flags' Kentucky Kingdom....

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Woman jailed -- after ripping off her ex-boyfriends testicle with her hands

A woman who ripped off her ex-boyfriend's testicle with her bare hands has been sent to prison. Amanda Monti, 24, flew into a rage when Geoffrey Jones, 37, rejected her advances at the end of a house party, Liverpool Crown Court heard. What a psycho!!

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"No, Thank You Asshole", A Response to a Snobby Parking Note

I was visiting a friend who happens to live on Kenneth Street in Santa Cruz, and since I came by car I decided to park on the street. The public street. The kind with signs up that say "2 hour parking, 8am - 6pm". When I was going to leave I found this pleasant sign you left on my windshield.

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Guy blogs about bad company, company adds him to gay dating sites.

The best bit is they didn't realise their IP was traceable

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Quirky discipline rules that work

Story Highlights• Clarity, enforceability make quirky parenting rules work• Successful rules usually give kids some measure of control• Parents have to be consistent for any rule to work

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Video simulates 9/11 attacks

A computer simulation of the September 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center, posted on the Web site YouTube by Purdue University researchers, shows how hijacked planes crashed through the twin towers, stripping fireproofing materials from the steel columns and eventually leading to their collapse.

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100-foot deep Andes lake disappears

Park rangers at Bernardo O'Higgins National Park said they found a 100-feet-deep crater in late May were the lake had been in March. "The lake had simply disappeared," Juan Jose Romero, head of Chile's National Forest Service in the southernmost region of Magallanes, said Wednesday. "No one knows what happened."

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Girl, raped & murdered in her dorm room - School hides it from family

Her body was on the carpeted floor, naked from the waist down. A pillow covered her head and traces of semen were on her leg. For 10 weeks, neither her family nor fellow students knew that authorities were investigating several suspects as part of a criminal inquiry into her death.

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How they steal your card AND pin at ATM's [PHOTOS]

Using black film which blends with the black plastic of an ATM theives can steal your card along and capture your pin number.

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The Pirate Bay Launches Uncensored Image Hosting

BayImg, an uncensored image hosting service, is the latest side-project from The Pirate Bay folks. The main difference compared to other image hosting services is that they pretty much allow everything on there, freedom of speech above all.

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Amazing high resolution wallpaper photos and images

Check out these awesome free, downloadable wallpaper photos...eight different resolutions, up to an incredible 2560x1600...

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Sony says 380 Games by March 2008

In an interview with Japanese paper Kaz Hirai states PS3 will have 380 games (PSN/retail) by Mar 2008.

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PS3 engineers on future firmware updates

Question: Linking to games, the 360 has a feature to allow music in the HDD and network to be played back as game BGM.Kawanishi: PS3 already has such function in the system software. It is up to the game developers to use the function. Same goes for pictures and videos.

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Cheapest Playstation (PS1) Games Worth Your Time

Need some affordable games to play on your PS1/PS2/PS3? Check out these PS1 classics that are easy to find for less than $10 each.

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Halo Movie to be PS3/Blu-ray Exclusive?

20th Century Fox has bought the primary licensing rights for the Halo film and it's merchandise. What's ironic is the fact that 20th Century Fox is a Blu-ray exclusive studio, and with Microsoft claiming they'd never support a Blu-ray add-on, Xbox 360 owners may have to invite their buddies with the PS3's over to watch Halo in 1080p.

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Xbox 360 Failures Explained

In response to the recent Mercury News interview, a man who has had 8 consoles fail so far explains what he believes the issue with the hardware is.

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Sprint Announces the Motorola Deluxe™ ic902

Customers who want a stylish multimedia phone, advanced services and the power to instantly communicate using industry-leading walkie-talkie services are able to get all of these capabilities in a single handset – the Motorola Deluxe™ ic902.

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Free PS3s at Best Buy with HDTV package

Best Buy is running a special this week only that offers a total of $600 in savings. The “Complete Sony package” includes a Sony 40” LCD HDTV at $1,999.99, one PS3 game, MotorStorm or MLB 07: The Show, at $59.99, one copy of a Blu-ray movie, Casino Royale, Open Season, or Underworld: Evolution, at $29.99, and a PlayStation 3 at $599.99. All of...

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Picture : Someone who is gonna HATE going to work tommorrow

the guy that has to deal with this problem is going to wish he took a sick day.

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Some funny photos taken at just the right angle.

A collection of excellent photos sent to us by a reader – these photos have been taken at just the right angle to create illusions of the weirdest and strangest effects…in some cases quite funny too!

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