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Friday, August 24, 2007

Sony wants The Agency to be free to play

At this week's Leipzig Games Convention, the president of SOE indicated that Sony was looking at making their upcoming MMO a free play title, meaning there would be no subscription fee. Instead, SOE would fund the title via micro-transactions and a 'velvet-rope policy' where certain area are only available if people pay for access.

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

2 Moons Open Beta

Quin's back after a summer break diving head-first into new MMOs so you don't have to. This time it's Acclaim's 2 Moons.

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Mario History Quiz: How Well Do You Know The Bros.?

It starts of super easy, but some of the questions are pretty tricky. Fun trip down memory lane.

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2nd Digg Presidential Election.

We did it before, but many thought the results were skewed. Can we do it again without the spam. I think not, but let us try. Who is your first choice of the Candidates for 2008 President? Please vote only once, or else!

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Easy Mode in MMORPGs [Comic]

You know who you are. (Blogger hosted)

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Your Password Must Be at Least 17,145 Characters

A genuine Microsoft Knowledge Base article about a particularly strange error message some people have received on Windows 2000. Never fear though, SP1 fixes these problems! Well, sort of... "Note that the number of required characters changes from 17,145 to 18,770 with the installation of SP1"

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Dwarf's penis stuck to vacuum cleaner

A DWARF performer at the Edinburgh fringe festival had to be rushed to hospital after his penis got stuck to a vacuum cleaner during an act that went horribly awry.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Why You Shouldn't Park Here (PIC)

Best Private Parking Sign Ever. Anyone know where this is located?

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Pet camel kills Australian woman

A word to the wise - don't give your grandma a pet camel!

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