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Friday, April 3, 2009

LittleBigPlanet: Two Million Served, 725,000 Custom Levels

Sony releases some impressive stats for their ground-breaking game of customization, LittleBigPlanet.

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72 percent of men would choose video games over sex

1 in 3 British men would prefer to play video games than sleep with their partner, with 72% claiming they'd shun their missus for the night to play a new release.

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'Bikini Girl' saved by diving Brewers fan from homerun ball

Corey Hart from the Brewers smashed a homerun over the fence that would have totally nailed an unsuspecting girl that was sunbathing except a Brewers fan tracked the ball down and made a diving catch to save the day and get a souvenir.

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Mom drugged 13-year-old daughter so she’d get pregnant

UNIONTOWN, Pa. - A western Pennsylvania mother has been charged with giving her 13-year-old daughter drugs and alcohol so the woman’s boyfriend could get the girl pregnant, police said Thursday.

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Customer Who Buy Condoms Also Buy...

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Stop Time Warner Cable's unfair bandwidth tier system

Time Warner Cable is planning on introducing a tier based bandwidth allocation system in Austin TX, San Antonio TX and Rochester, N.Y.

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11 Extinct Animals That Have Been Photographed Alive

The current rate of extinction is 100 to 1000 times higher than the average, or background rate, making our current period the 6th major mass extinction in the planet’s history.Thus, what follows is a list of 11 extinct animals that were photographed while still alive.

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14 Horrific Celebrity Plastic Surgeries (PICS)

Every once in a while the individual can go overboard, have a botched surgery, or develop an addiction to plastic surgery procedures. Below is a list of the fourteen worst examples of celebrity plastic surgeries.

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The Last DVD and Blu-Ray Ripping Guide You'll Ever Need

With the right software, hardware, and understanding of the issues, you can free video from a movie disc to be used any way you choose.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rumor: PS3 Motion Sensing Remote Completed and Looking for S

We've heard the whispers and hints for quite a while now, but we can finally lay the doubt to rest. Our source, which has a superb track record for accuracy, has informed us that Sony is not only developing a PS3 motion sensing remote to combat Nintendo's Wii Remote, but it's already finished. They are currently reaching out to 3rd parties as well

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Spied: PSP Phone, with touchscreen!

Yep, you heard it. No second analog though.

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Internet Leaks Appear to Confirm $99 PS2 for April 5, 2009

It looks like Sony will be dropping the PS2 price to $99.99 in the next week in the USA. We have images to prove it. Read on for more!

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