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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Who Said It: Bush or Batman?

Can you guess which of these quotes belong to our president, George W. Bush, and which belong to Batman? It's harder than you think...

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Navy official: 9/11 Flight 93 was shot down

Interesting statement indeed during Gitmo war crimes trial...

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The Great Male Survey

Who and what is "the modern man"? Read on to discover what you and your fellow men feel about dating, sexuality, lifestyle, money, and our gender in 2008 -- in short, who the modern man is.

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The Biggest UCLA Undie Run Yet

It took just under 20 minutes for thousands of underwear clad students to run through the tunnel. The police were ridiculously in force with their tactical/riot gear. What a crazy party prior to UCLA's graduation.

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Merger of XM and Sirius Appears Close to Approval

The Federal Communications Commission was on the verge of approving a merger between XM and Sirius on Wednesday night, a move that would end a nearly 18-month government review of a deal that would essentially create a monopoly in satellite radio.

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Raiding California: Medical Marijuana Provider Faces 100 Yrs

Should medical marijuana be kept from minors at all costs? Why is it that pharmacists can dispense amphetamines without getting busted, but legal operators who dispense medical marijuana face prison time? Why do armed federal agents persist in raiding California? Charlie Lynch is facing 100 years in federal prison -- but he followed state law.

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Top 7 Classic Arcade Games

The 7 most addictive games you ever made the mistake of putting a quarter into.

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10 Ridiculous Undergarments Worn by Women in Video Games

Crazy things happen all the time in video games. People get shot, die, then come back to life. Plumbers traverse magical pipes and fight grumpy mushrooms. Monkeys voluntarily enter giant plastic balls and roll around collecting bananas...

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The Best 6 SNES RPGs

A look back in the past at the best RPGs to be released on the SNES. This article was originally going to be another top 5 but he couldn’t get the list down to 5, thus these are the top 6 RPGs to be released on the SNES.

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

7 Things Google should (and probably will)do if it buys Digg

What should each of these companies do with Digg if it bought the social media and user-chosen content powerhouse? Where would the integration points be and what would be the long-term strategy and direction for Digg under new overlords? And how would an acquisition affect the Internet landscape?

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I’m Sorry, I Don’t Know, I Can’t …

Do you find yourself saying the words I’m sorry or I don’t know often? Did you know that this over-sighted language pattern is actually limiting our potential to happiness and ultimately getting what we want?

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How to Make Money From Home Using Your Tech Skills

Gow to turn your tech knowledge into actual money, using the CrossLoop Marketplace from the comfort of your own home.

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365 Free PC games: One for Every Day of the Year!

Summer is all about free time (at least when you haven’t joined the rat race just yet), and what better way to fill free time than with free games? We’ve already brought you the best 50 free games, the 9 best free MMOs, and the 10 best free shooters so why not throw in the kitchen sink? Here you’ll find a free game for every day of the year.

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Spore Hands-on: Hour w/ Civ Phase and Galactic End-game

It was somewhere between ordering my army of blue-blooded Max Rebo soldiers to crush an enemy civilization, and conquering the galaxy from the comfort of a spaceship that resembled a four post bed, when I realized they had pulled it off. Spore is great.

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LucasArts and BioWare building KOTOR MMO

EA boss John Riccitiello finally spilled the beans on the long-rumored Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic MMO.

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Bloke gets $200 refund for unwanted Vista

Have you bought a new computer lately? Chances are, if you have, you'll be forced into paying for Windows Vista as part of the package. We know... it sucks, but that's just the way things are, right? Apparently not.

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Firefighters Appalled at 9/11 Billboards

International Association of Firefighters press release: “There’s a big difference between honoring and remembering the fallen – fire fighters and civilians – and shamelessly plastering the image of the burning Twin Towers on a purely political billboard with an offensive statement currying favor for or against a political party."

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You're doing it wrong (pic)


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10 Brand New PS3 Tips and Tricks

Sony may just have dropped its big 2.41 firmware update, which transforms the PS3 as a gaming platform. But since our last batch of PS3 tips and tricks, there have been many additions to the console that you may be missing out on.

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