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Friday, May 9, 2008

Racism in Resident Evil 5? We think not...

Cast your mind back to E3 2007. The Resident Evil 5 trailer was shown for the first time to the masses.I have a question for you.What did you see when you watched the trailer?I will answer that question myself before this article is finished, but let's just put this trailer in the correct frame to begin with...

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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Pictured: X-ray of the python who swallowed a kitten

This amazing X-ray picture shows the skeleton of a kitten inside a python's stomach after being devoured in one gulp by the predator. Eight-week-old tabby Kohl was seized by the slithering assassin while in the garden of her owner's home in Australia's tropical Northern Territory. The snake was found with a "bulging belly" by 14-year-old Taara...

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Dad died saving his little girl

With an out-of-control car bearing down, Joseph Richardson grabbed his 4-year-old daughter and held her up out of harm's way.

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Incredible picture of Chilean volcano erupting as lightning

Chilean volcano Chaiten spewed lava and blasted ash 12 miles into the sky today, prompting officials to order a total evacuation of nearby area.

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NASA Captures Image of Cyclone Nargis Flooding in Burma

The first cyclone of the 2008 season in the northern Indian Ocean was a devastating one for Burma. According to reports from, Cyclone Nargis made landfall with sustained winds of 130 mph and gusts of 150-160 mph, which is the equivalent of a strong Category 3 or minimal Category 4 hurricane.

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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Drunk Falls Off Bridge - Slams Firetruck - Faceplants Ground

A drunk was talked out of jumping and just as they brought out a fire truck to lower him down he slipped and slammed into the firetruck and face-planted on the ground. Good thing the firetruck broke his fall!

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Only the Creepiest Photos Ever Taken [PICS]

Mourning is a strange thing, and different cultures deal with it in vastly different ways. But there’s a reason people associate the Victorians above all with morbidity and death. These postmortem photographs were taken more than any other kind of photograph in the Victorian era, especially in the U.S.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

How can I pick up more women?

This is a good read. I absolutely love the response! A MUST READ...

Dear Mercedes,

I'm sure a lot of other guys will feel me on this one. I see a hot
girl, I wanna holla. But she's not a hood rat and may take offense. How
do I get in two-fingers or a thumb?

-Desperate in Detroit

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Is my girlfriend really interested in video games?

My girl says she's interested in video games, but whenever I talk about
them for more than 30 minutes, she gets a glazed look and seems
annoyed. I listen to stories about her new coat for hours. Is it
possible to make her care? if so how?! Help!

Read on for the answer...

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Is World Of Warcraft (MMOs) a good way to meet a spouse?

I've been single for almost 4 years now, and I'm getting really desperate for some companionship. My friend met his current girlfriend by playing World of Warcraft, but that seems a little weird, even for me. Do you think playing online games is a reasonable way to meet women?

Read on to find out the answer.

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How My Wife Ruined GTA IV

After watching me play for GTA IV for hours, I wondered if my wife wanted a turn. She was sitting on the couch next to me, so I extended the controller to her and asked, “You wanna drive around for a bit?” She replied, “Sure, why not.” My wife somehow figured out how to suck all of the fun out of GTA IV and managed ruin one best games of all time.

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Monday, May 5, 2008

Why the Govt Is Spending More on TV Switch than LITERACY

Some 21% of Americans have no clue that the country is about to go through a wrenching technological change with its most massive of mass mediums, the switch from analog to digital signals. What does this mean, and what are we doing about it?

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The Heartbeat of Liberty City - GTA IV Easter Egg

There's a chained, beating heart inside the Statue of Happiness. Seriously

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Rockstar Support Feels Terrible about GTA Lock-ups

A very friendly, and obviously unhappy, fellow answered the Rockstar Support phones who, after thanking me for not yelling at him and apologizing profusely for the problem, spilled quite a bit of beans on the issue.

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GTA 4's Liberty City: The Google map

See what's been discovered by Liberty City locals! Check the categories on the right to show markers for just about any person, place or thing in Liberty City. First to find something? Right click on the map location and choose "Add Marker" to share your original discovery.

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