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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My friend was murdered...

When I bought my new house 3 1/2 years ago, I thought everything would be great. What I have found so far is that it is started a curse or something. The first year I moved in, I have 12 friend/family die that year. Even more amazing was that 5 of those were suicides, and 1 was a possible murder (although never confirmed).

Since that year, things have been better. I only lost 1/2 a dozen friends/family each of the next 2 years. Yeah... that's right... 24 people in my life in 3 years!!! That even included a stretch where I lost both my grandmothers and my 2nd uncle in only 6 months time. Tough to deal with for sure.

Now... #25 since I bought my house happened, and this ones is really bothering me. He was murdered. Not just a simple random hit and run... but a revenge hit.

This summer I had my own modified-softball team. Junior (my late friend) used to drive up from Jackson each week to play ball with us and his dad. He was a hell of a ball player. One of the fastest men I have ever seen. He lead our team in average, and a few other categories. He was definitely the spark plug that lead off and got us runs on the board.

When it came time at the end of the season for our state tournament, it just happened to be in Jackson. So, naturally... Junior let us stay at his house since he didn't live too far away. IT was great. We had a lot of fun. Karaoke... a mini poker tournament... beer drinking... and that was the night before.

While we were there, Junior mentioned that he had had his car broken into a few weeks before. And also that he came home to find people in his house and chased them out, but was unable to identify them. Then, those people finally got their revenge on Monday night.

They apparently broke into his house, killed my good friend Junior, and then set his house on fire to cover it up. Junior was not even recognizable by the time he was found. Police have confirmed he was murdered, and an investigation is on-going. I have posted a few articles on this blog right before this post if you would like additional details or if you have any information.

I am not a religious man, and feel very strongly that people deserve what they have dished out. I hope they are found, and if it was up to me... I would burn them alive while I watched them die...

by By Danielle Quisenberry and Steven Hepker | Jackson Citizen Patriot
Wednesday November 26, 2008, 8:31 AM

Blackman Township investigators said today Steven Sampier II was murdered before his N. Brown Street home was set on fire early Tuesday morning.

Firefighters found the charred remains of the 30-year-old Department of Corrections drill instructor after extinguishing the blaze in his one-story ranch house.

"It was a homicide and it appears the fire was started to conceal or destroy evidence," said Jon Johnston, deputy director for Blackman Township Public Safety.

An autopsy late Tuesday afternoon confirmed Sampier's identity and that he was murdered, Johnston said. Investigators are not releasing details on the cause and manner of death.

The Jackson County Major Crimes Task Force, comprised of representives of five local police agencies, is investigating.

Sampier's father, Steven Sampier, spent Tuesday hoping his tears were for naught and that it wasn't his son who was found dead.

"It's got to be him... I just wish I could have been there to pull him out of the fire," said Sampier of Midland, who spent much of Tuesday in tears. He said he kept waiting to get a call from his son, but had not.

Lee Taylor, a neighbor, said the house on Brown Street had been broken into recently and the windows were later broken out of Sampier's vehicle.

The elder Sampier said two police officers arrived at his home Tuesday morning to inform him his son, an Army veteran and Michigan Department of Corrections employee, was believed to have died in the fire at 1054 Brown St. He said Steven Sampier II's car was locked in the garage of the home near Argyle Street and his son lived alone.

Firefighters from four departments arrived at the home about 1 a.m. Tuesday to find it in flames.

"The house was fully engulfed. There were flames coming out of every window," said Taylor, who lives two houses south of the Sampier house and woke up Tuesday to the sound of fire trucks.

Officers were monitoring the house Tuesday night and were to continue watching the home, which they considered a crime scene, township public safety Sgt. Steve Stowe said.

The house was roped off with yellow tape. Its front windows were open to a black interior.

Steven Sampier said his son had worked as a drill instructor at a boot camp on Waterloo Road in Chelsea since leaving the Army in 1999.

He joined the military in 1996, after he graduated from a Midland high school, and served for three years with the 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort Bragg, N.C.

After 2 1/2 years, Sampier II earned the rank of sergeant and spent some time in Bosnia, the father said. "He got a bunch of ribbons, more than I ever got in the Marines. He was always teasing me about that."

Outside of some high school fights, he had not been in trouble, his father said.

The father said his son was professional, courteous and well-respected at work. He was going to college to get a degree in criminology, his father said.

Often, he called his dad to talk about the Detroit Lions or Tigers.

He was well-liked, his father said. "People always asked me more how he was doing than how I was doing."

The news has been tough to take, Steven Sampier said. "I just have a hard time dealing with this thing," he said.

Anyone with information on the case may call the tip line at 787-0212.

Body found in Blackman Township house fire
by Steven Hepker | Citizen Patriot
Tuesday November 25, 2008, 8:33 AM

Investigators planned an autopsy today to determine the cause of death and positive identification of a body found in a house fire early this morning in Blackman Township.

Jon Johnston, deputy director of public safety, said firefighters encountered a fully involved blaze at 1054 N. Brown St. when they responded to the 1 a.m. call.

Firefighters from Blackman, Leoni and Summit townships extinguished the fire in the ranch house and found a body inside, Johnston said.

Johnston said investigators believe the victim was the home owner. He said the victim's relatives live outside the Jackson area.

A state fire marshal will assist in the determining the cause and origin of the blaze.

Monday, November 24, 2008

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