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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Netflix comes to Windows Media Center

Starting tomorrow, Windows Media Center users who are also Netflix members will gain access to more than 12,000 movies and TV episodes from Netflix directly within Windows Media Center on their PCs.

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21 Famous Photographs (Minus Pants) |

21 Famous Photographs (Minus Pants)

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Boy Needs Hole Drilled in His Head – Doctor Grabs the DeWalt

A COUNTRY doctor saved the life of a dying 12-year-old boy by using a household drill to bore into his brain after he fell off his bike.The emergency "operation", by local GP Rob Carson in the Victorian country town of Maryborough, was yesterday hailed by a leading neurosurgeon as "one of the gutsiest life-saving efforts imaginable".

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Real life "Iron Man" suit close to becoming a reality

Built from a combination of sensors, actuators and controllers, the futuristic suit enables a user to easily carry a man on his back or lift 200 pounds several hundred times without tiring.

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10 Things You Didn't Know About Orgasm [SFW]

"Bonk" author Mary Roach delves into obscure scientific research, some of it centuries old, to make 10 surprising claims about sexual climax, ranging from the bizarre to the hilarious.

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Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools

DUBLIN – A fiercely debated, nine-year investigation into Ireland's Roman Catholic-run institutions says priests and nuns terrorized thousands of boys and girls in workhouse-style schools for decades — and government inspectors failed to stop the chronic beatings, rapes and humiliation.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A man afraid to run away: Ars reviews inFamous

The demo was good, and the full game is a powerful experience in what it is to be a hero, or a villain. With strong characters, beautiful graphics, and a good selection of things to do and see, this is one of the best open world titles in recent memory.

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Classically trained: Ars reviews Punch-Out for the Wii

Punch-Out returns to Nintendo with style, bringing back what we loved about the original NES and SNES titles and adding quite the workout if you hook up the Wii Balance Board. This may turn off new gamers, but those who want a puzzle game that looks like a boxing title will be in heaven. Bring your reflexes.

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The Most Satisfying Headshots [w/ pics]

Boom headshot! Blasting brains in these games is oh-so awesome.

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20 MLB Players I Want On My Side In A Bench Clearing Brawl

"We have all seen all kinds of brawls in all kinds of different sports but there is nothing quite like the bench clearing brawls in baseball. It is usually set off by bad blood, a bad pitch, or just because they were bored but whatever reason it is, anytime players get into a fight in baseball the whole team rides behind the player..."

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African tribe populated rest of the world

The entire human race outside Africa owes its existence to the survival of a single tribe of around 200 people who crossed the Red Sea 70,000 years ago, scientists have discovered.

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Evolution - addressing some misconceptions

..and explaining some of the basics.

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Extraordinary fossil is 'missing link'

Fossil Ida shows the links between humans and mammals. Happy Birthday Darwin!

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Guy kills girlfriend's cat, looks the part

Matthew Selk was arrested for felony cruelty to animals after allegedly killing his girlfriend's cat.Check out his ridiculous mugshot and hundreds more

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Japanese Baseball Player Almost Gets Decapitated for Catch

If you don't like looking at sports injuries, you may want to look away on this one. Luckily this guy didn't end up with a broken neck. No idea how he survived.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

OMG The Reviews of this T-Shirt on Amazon!

must.... have.... t.... shirt....

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Gordon Ramsey... rubbing in the loss

Father, High on PCP, Eats Son's Eyeballs Out

Police believe a Bakersfield man bit the eyeball out of his son's face and ate it, according to court documents. The 4-year-old's other eye was damaged beyond repair, reports said.

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Fallout 3 DLC Announced For PS3 and Two New DLC For All

The wait is finally over for Playstation 3 owners, this morning Bethesda announced that downloadable content will be coming to the PS3 version of Fallout 3. They also revealed two new DLC packs for all.

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Sims 3 leaked to torrent sites weeks before retail release

While EA may be backing off the practice of using invasive DRM in its games, piracy continues. The newest casualty? Sims 3 has leaked to the torrent sites two weeks before the game's release.

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Wii Sports Resort Adds Two New Activities

Nintendo's highly-anticipated Wii Sports follow-up just got bigger, as two new activities have been added to the game's roster - golf and table tennis!

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The Virtues of the PlayStation Trophy System

PlayStation LifeStyle's editorial argues against Destructoid's claim that PS Trophies are meaningless and unsuccessful compared to Xbox 360 achievements, shutting down all of Destructoid's main arguments. A great read, with a good lesson on why research is pivotal when writing opinion pieces.

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Bethesda to target mature Wii audience

Bethesda Softworks, creators of The Elder Scrolls series and Fallout 3, are going after that most illusive of demographics, the mature Wii gamer. Despite high-profile titles such as MadWorld and The House of the Dead: Overkill performing relatively modestly, Bethesda are ready to jump in with the announcement of a “really big” Wii game this year.

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How to Create the Ultimate Man Cave [PICS]

The man cave. A mythical masculine lair filled with automotive goodies and toys designed to make a man happy. Here's how to create your very own man cave in ten easy steps.

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