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Friday, January 16, 2009

Video game players don't play for blood, gore, or violence

Research to be published online January 16 in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin shows that, contrary to popular belief, violence does not make video games more enjoyable. The study by investigators at the University of Rochester and Immersyve Inc. found that for many people, gore actually detracts from a game's "fun factor,"...]

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Video game sales top $21 billion in 2008

Still, there are signs that the recession taking its toll on the industry

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What Was 2008's Best Selling Game In The U.S.?

To be honest, we're still not sure. The NPD Group released data for the "Top Selling Games Annual 2008" with Wii Play coming in at number one, boasting 5.28 million copies sold. Wii Play's sales for the year beat out Grand Theft Auto IV with a combined total of 5.18 million copies sold on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. But that doesn't take into

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Super Resident Evil Brothers!

So what happens when you crossbreed these games in their classic form?

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Grand Theft Auto 5 By Holiday 2009?

In the current issue of GameInformer. According to the Loose Talk rumors section, the guys at RockStar North are working hard on the next Grand Theft Auto installment, and are set on a release date for holiday 2009.I think they might be referring to a DS version or something. Seems WAY TOO SOON for a new big-time release for a next-gen console.

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Tomb Raider Underworld - Lara Croft Shoots 2 Tigers in Head

Tomb Raider Underworld - Lara Croft Shoots 2 Tigers in the Head. Funny Video Review & PICS

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Third-Party Wii game to Abandon Friend Codes

A major third-party publisher will reportedly release an online Wii game in 2009 that is unrestricted by Friend Codes. The developers of the title discovered that it was possible to access the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection without them, and built a custom engine that did so.

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YouTube Gets PlayStation 3 and Wii-Friendly

YouTube wants to be on your TV set bad. It's squeezing its way in through Apple TV, TiVo, and now videogame consoles: the Nintendo Wii and the Sony PS3. Just point those videogame browsers to and you can now watch a customized version of YouTube from your couch.

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Revolutionary: Controller Showdown, Round 1

Comparing the PS3's SIXAXIS to the Wii's Wiimote.

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All About Mario & Luigi 3's Ridiculous Battle System

Take a fantastic voyage into Bowser's bowels!

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1 in 3 Windows PCs vulnerable to worm attack

The worm that has infected several million Windows PCs is causing havoc because nearly a third of all systems remain unpatched 80 days after Microsoft Corp. rolled out an emergency fix, a security expert said today.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bailout Has A Hidden $20 Monthly Tax Break For Cyclists

"The Feds are giving out a $20 dollar tax credit per month to anyone who rides their bike to work."

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I have a very bad feeling about this (PIC)

You don't want this guy's road rage.

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Another Stonehenge Discovered Under Lake Michigan?

A group of researchers using sonar to find shipwrecks on the bottom of Lake Michigan have found something far older than crashed cargo ships. They believe they've found a 10-thousand-year-old stone structure like Stonehenge.

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1 in 7 U.S. Adults are Illiterate

About 14 percent of U.S. adults won't be reading this article. Well, okay, most people won't read it, given all the words that are published these days to help us understand and navigate the increasingly complex world.

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MCFARLAND (WKOW) -- Abbie Schubert paid more than $1,100 for a Dell laptop hoping to enroll in online classes at Madison Area Technical College, or MATC.

But something stopped her: she bought an operating system for her computer she never heard of, Ubuntu.

That's an operating system for your computer similar to Windows that contains Linux. It's highly regarded among some people and extremely popular with certain circles of computer users because it's free.

Schubert says she ordered her laptop online at expecting to buy your classic bread-and-butter computer.

She didn't realize until the next morning her laptop defaulted to the Ubuntu operating system.

Read the rest of the story here...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Pachter: PS3 Price Will Drop to $299 in April

According to the Analyst the Xbox 360 will be reduced in price shortly after the PS3 price Drop, the Wii will likely keep its price for the whole year...

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NIntendo DSi US launch three months away?

A rumor is currently spreading about the new DSi release date being April 4th 2009. Which is contrary to what was originally stated by Nintendo, although the sources are reliable.

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Online Game Divorce Woman Accused of Killing Digital Husband

A 43-year-old Japanese woman whose sudden divorce in a virtual game world made her so angry that she killed her online husband's digital persona has been arrested on suspicion of hacking.

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Man Plays Super Mario Bros Theme With Only His Hands!

Manualism is the little-known art of playing music by squeezing air through the hands. Playing recognizable tunes by squeezing the hands together is extremely difficult, and it takes many years of practice to master the art. Gerry Philips (the dude in the video) is awesome.

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PS3 Price Drop to follow Sony's $1.1 Billion loss!

The report believes the company will now "further accelerate its restructuring", cutting more jobs and closing more plants. There's no word on how the PS3 and PSP divisions of the company will be affected. The silver lining in this for consumers is that PS3 is rumored to receive another price drop in the next few months.

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The Best 6 SNES RPGs

A look back in the past at the best RPGs to be released on the SNES. This article was originally going to be another top 5 but he couldn’t get the list down to 5, thus these are the top 6 RPGs to be released on the SNES.

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What if Super Mario Galaxy was on the SNES?

This is what it would look like.

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The SNES is the greatest console of all time

While the decision was a difficult one, it seemed almost too simple I declare the SNES the greatest console of all time.

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Mario Paint: How The 16-bit Wonder Changed Lives

Long ago, before the thought of becoming an artist had ever entered my brain, I drew Mario. I drew Mario a lot. You see, I never had an NES growing up. Crayons were all well and good, but with this burning passion to create, what’s a kid with a hyperactive imagination and an unyielding fascination with video games to do? Then, I got a SNES...

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The First Wii: Obama brings video games to the White House

When Barack Obama takes office on January 20th, he'll not only be the most powerful man in the world, but also the most powerful gamer.

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Google hacks the Wii Balance Board to surf Google Earth

Google used its booth at Macworld this year to show off some of the things it was working on with Apple, particularly for the iPhone. But the coolest thing at their booth didn’t have much to do with Apple at all: A hacked Nintendo Wii Balance Board (from the game Wii Fit) used to control Google Earth.

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New Burnout Legendary Cars feature KITT, Ecto-1, General Lee

After showing off Back To The Future's DeLorean last month, Burnout Paradise creators Criterion have revealed three more famous '80s cars to be played from their Legendary Cars DLC. Included is KITT from Knight Rider (Carson Nighthawk), Ecto-1 from Ghostbusters (Manhattan Spirit) and General Lee of Dukes fame (Cavalry Bootlegger).

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Sony calls out Xbox and Wii as "Flea Market Peddlers"

Sony is finally firing back at remarks about it lackluster sales compared to the Wii and Xbox 360. Sony's all-star statement from the release: "So as PS3 continues to evolve without the need for additional parts or expenses, expect the competition to continue peddling add-ons in an effort to keep up with the Jones'." Ouch...

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Evolution of Dance 2

Guess what... he's back!!!

Evolution of Dance

This is the best white-man dancer of all time!!!