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Friday, December 5, 2008

Scary NES Commercial

You can not beat us!

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Nintendo's new DSi already hacked

It seems that enterprising hackers have already destroyed Nintendo's best laid plans, having already cracked the new DSi with an R4DS-like device doing the rounds in Japan.

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Why Techies Love Games & and Why It's Good They Do

So what, exactly, does a kick-ass shooter game like " Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" or the beautifully rendered role-playing game " Fallout 3" really say about tech life? Well, saddle up your Mechano-strider and watch as the Blade of Vaulted Secrets carves deeply into the tech-worker psyche.

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25 Holiday Gifts for the Home for $25 and Under

Affordable presents for everyone else...

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the new portable XBOX 360

Ben Heck is at it again! Check out his new portable version of the XBOX 360!

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Jack Black to host this year's Spike Video Game Awards

Jack Black is one of those guys people have a very distinct reaction to -- they either love him or loathe him. Looking at the picture above, it's sort of a snap to figure out why. Therefore, I am not sure if I bring you good or bad tidings when I say that he has been formally announced as the host of this year's Spike Video Game Awards.

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U.S. Patent Office Denies Nintendo's 'Wii Remote' Trademark

The United States Patent and Trademark Office has suspended Nintendo's application to trademark the term Wii Remote. A letter sent by the USPTO to Nintendo last week indicates that the word remote is too commonly used to be trademarked. Nintendo submitted an official application to trademark Wii Remote in March of this year.

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Top 15 RPGs of All Time

It is hard to argue for a better video game format than the RPG. No form before or after has instilled such wonder and nostalgia in the video gamer. When playing the likes of racing or fighting games, one is enveloped by momentary pleasure of winning a fight or driving as fast as you can to finish a race. The RPG format is quite the opposite of the...

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G4 "X-Play Best of 2008 Awards" 100+ Nominees Announced

Gears of War 2, LittleBigPlanet, Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, headline the 20+ categories of nominations.

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Atari calls used game sales

Atari is the latest in a long line of big-name publishers speaking out against used game sales, saying that the second hand market "has a macro-economic impact" on the industry.

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The Most Bangable Video Game Babes

A list of the hottest video game babes all gamers have obsessed over.

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Friends [XKCD]

Friends with detriments.

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Hey, Can I See Your iPod? [NSFW]

Best iPod ever!!!

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The Votes Are In: BlackBerry Storm Sucks

Though Verizon says the Storm is its fastest selling handset yet, the touchscreen phone is also generating more negative buzz than any BlackBerry before.

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Holland Puts a New Spin on Old Technology

A restaurant in the Dutch town of Zeist has come up with an innovative power generation system fueled by their own customers - They have installed a generator in their revolving door which converts the energy of people passing through into electricity. Each time you pass through the door you generate enough power to make a cup of coffee.

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The 6 Most Pointlessly Elaborate Movie Murder Plots

Hollywood bad guys think Occam's razor is a Mach 3 competitor. They can't seem to kill a single victim without planning out a complex, Rube Goldberg-style sequence that's almost sure to end in failure.

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Google’s Apps SLA Allows It To Minimize Downtime Of Gmail, C

Any Google App could be unavailable for more than 21 hours on a given day, and the company could still claim they had 100% uptime. WTF!

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The Best And Worst Versions Of Popular Christmas Songs

Let's just say the Crash Test Dummies did THE worst version of "Jingle Bells". Ever.

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WTF? Is that Willy Wonka?

honestly though, is it?

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Tattooed convict in jarring before/after booking photos

Unbelievable transformation. I just don't get it... who in the hell thinks this looks good?!?

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tax activist's ad challenges Obama's eligibility for office

Robert L. Schulz, 69, chairman of We The People Foundation, took out ads Monday and Wednesday to raise questions about whether Obama's Hawaii certificate of live birth is authentic.Asked about the case, Schulz said the government has tried to silence him.He hopes the Tribune ads bring his group prominence.

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Nintendo makes about $49 per Wii... not $6

Here is a better article that is much more accurate on how much money Nintendo makes per Wii.

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Nintendo Makes $6 on On Every Wii Sold - NOT SURE HOW TRUE...

Nintendo makes an operating profit of $6 for every Wii console sold, according to the latest analyst reports, with Microsoft breaking even with the Xbox 360 and Sony still making a loss on each PS3 it sells.

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The Top 7 Video Games You Won't Get to Until 2009

This holiday, even awesome games are falling by the wayside. Here are a few we predict will fall by yours Tough choices will have to be made, whether they’re with money or time, and some of the hottest holiday releases will inevitably be ignored until either a price drop or a lull in activity make it possible to pay attention to them.

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