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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My friend was murdered...

When I bought my new house 3 1/2 years ago, I thought everything would be great. What I have found so far is that it is started a curse or something. The first year I moved in, I have 12 friend/family die that year. Even more amazing was that 5 of those were suicides, and 1 was a possible murder (although never confirmed).

Since that year, things have been better. I only lost 1/2 a dozen friends/family each of the next 2 years. Yeah... that's right... 24 people in my life in 3 years!!! That even included a stretch where I lost both my grandmothers and my 2nd uncle in only 6 months time. Tough to deal with for sure.

Now... #25 since I bought my house happened, and this ones is really bothering me. He was murdered. Not just a simple random hit and run... but a revenge hit.

This summer I had my own modified-softball team. Junior (my late friend) used to drive up from Jackson each week to play ball with us and his dad. He was a hell of a ball player. One of the fastest men I have ever seen. He lead our team in average, and a few other categories. He was definitely the spark plug that lead off and got us runs on the board.

When it came time at the end of the season for our state tournament, it just happened to be in Jackson. So, naturally... Junior let us stay at his house since he didn't live too far away. IT was great. We had a lot of fun. Karaoke... a mini poker tournament... beer drinking... and that was the night before.

While we were there, Junior mentioned that he had had his car broken into a few weeks before. And also that he came home to find people in his house and chased them out, but was unable to identify them. Then, those people finally got their revenge on Monday night.

They apparently broke into his house, killed my good friend Junior, and then set his house on fire to cover it up. Junior was not even recognizable by the time he was found. Police have confirmed he was murdered, and an investigation is on-going. I have posted a few articles on this blog right before this post if you would like additional details or if you have any information.

I am not a religious man, and feel very strongly that people deserve what they have dished out. I hope they are found, and if it was up to me... I would burn them alive while I watched them die...


Anonymous said...

My name is Steve, I was at the funeral...were you the one who spoke? Steve Sampier used to come visit me in Novi and we would go out all the time....he was a great friend and it has been hard to stop thinking about him.

Anonymous said...

We at Cassidy Lake SAI share in your feelings in the loss of SGT Sampier. He was and always will be remembered as a great officer, sergeant, and friend to many. His death has brought a huge void at our facility and there isn,t anyone here untouched by this tragic event. Many of our young officers were trained by him and looked up to him both as an officer and as their supervisor.
Every building, every hallway, every corner of our facility holds a menory of him to someone.Many of us older officers respected his zeal, his motivation and strong desire to make a difference for some of these young men that pass through our gates. He seemed to "bring it" every day no matter what.Also, you were right, he was one of the fastest people I ever witnessed without a track beneath his feet. I watched him smoke aven the fatstest trainees in his jump boots.He WILL be missed by all

Anonymous said...

how do i email you directly.

Raedyn said...

Thank you for all the comments. Steve was indeed a great friend and it has been very difficult thinking about everything.

Yes, I was the person that spoke at his funeral. I was his softball coach and represented them.

If you want to email me personally... I added an email box on my blog that you can use to send me an email.

Anonymous said...

i loved steve dearly. we dated for nearly 4 years and sadly our relationship ended due to the distance between us. i was with him when he started at the boot camp and saw him thru many ups and downs along the way. i know how badly he wanted to return to the midland area and think about him every hour of every day. i spent time with him about a month and a half ago when he was in town for a friends wedding- it was the first time we were together in quite some time and i will feel forever saddened that we didnt see each other more. he never stopped talking to me about getting back together and i will forever wonder that if we had- even a month and a half ago- would that have changed his fate...
for anybody reading this~ even you -the person out there that did this to him- so many of us know EXACTLY who you are!! we have visited your bars website and looked over your myspace page... i hope you feel the pressure and guilt of the crime you commited because your free days are just about up. if you are not punished enough in this lifetime you surely will in the next...

Anonymous said...

I am a family member from out of town, just devastated by this whole situation. I am very grateful he had such wonderful and loving friends, thank you all. I am so upset reading the different comments I have seen on several different sites, why does it seem so many people know who did this and nothing is being done? My family is heart stricken.

Anonymous said...

in today's jackson patriot the article was released stating what most of us already suspected/knew~ that the person who murdered steve~ a former state policeman~ was issued an arrest for the murder. he proceeded to shoot himself commiting suicide. coward...
probably the same gun that killed our dear steve...
i hope the first face he saw when he passed was steve's...

Anonymous said...